Friday, November 8, 2013

Photography from the 80's

I just find this really amazing to see:

Mall Photography from the 80s

Just wonder what it's like to live in a different time period. Hmm...

This Week

I just finished my third week at my new job.

It's going pretty fast. I have nothing to complain about this job. 

But moving and dealing with everything else has taken a toll on me.

The process has not been so great.

It's looking for a place after another and fearing for the move in day.

Long story short, I will stay in the old place until the end of the month. 

I can't wait until I get to settle down.

It's just in many occasions recently, I am feeling the worst I ever felt in my life. 

Lots of sadness and tiredness. 

Today however, was an interesting day. 

I talked to interesting people, and enjoyed a great company lunch. 

It'a amazing how people connect to others, and that's eventually how you end up somewhere.

I think what we shouldn't forget is to take care of yourself and others. Perhaps equally.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Upcoming New Life Style ?

My search for a job may just have just ended.

I just need to reorganize what is about to happen.

Actually it's going to be two new jobs.

I'm not sure how everything will go.

I shall see what happens next week when it all starts.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Late Night Post

Instead of trying to find places to apply for jobs or look for a place to move (need to move out and move in to a different place in 20 days...)

I used my time watching videos on YouTube.

Including the music video to new Britney Spears song, "Work B**ch".

And the song keeps repeating in my head, round and round and it goes "You better work b**ch"


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Interviews and Onions

Interviews are like onions, there are so many layers.

I just got off of the phone with an interviewer. It was a phone interview.

I don't recall if I had any phone interviews before, so that would make it my first, I guess.

The interviewer said that they will be calling back for the second interview. It sounded more like it will be a gathering of applicants to see how they work together, and then there will be a third interview.

The applying and interviewing for jobs are stressful! It sure ain't easy.

So the interview process begins for me again after not getting an offer from a (disclosed!) place last week. For that one, it was such a long process, I think one month? Perhaps more. It included 3 interviews and freaking hard questions.

How do people go through this apply-interview process? Do most people get the jobs they want?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Hello Blogger!

Hello Blogger!

I see that you have changed the format quite a bit.

I came to start blogging again after...33 months?

Yes its been quite a long time, but here's the story:

I'm needing to start a new journey.
I'm needing to learn little bit more about my self so I can know what to do from now on.
I've finished school, desperately looking for work, concerned about my status to stay in United States, and so many worries here and there.

So in hopes of getting inspirations and such, I've decided to start my new blog life.

I'm needing to write again.