Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hi blog, it's been a while.

Ahoy! And I'm back.

Looking at my last post, it's been about 10 years since I write in here again.

I've had a desire to casually blog again. It's funny to look back on my old posts, and I hope my feature self will look at this and laugh at them too. I hope my writing have gotten better in the last 10 years.

This morning, I listened to the podcast, "Life Kit" episode titled, "How to actively heal from an injury or illness". There was a part where the guest talked about how being healthy is a balance. Something that is healthy for one may not be so healthy for another. So, I hope to pay more attention to being healthy in this part of life, as I sense that it's needed in my aging self. I hear that major health scares happen in people in their 30s.

It's also important for me to have a place for somewhere to casually leave some thoughts around. Unlike 10 years ago, it's quite common now to see content online that are strategically planned, money generating, and it's like, 'who know what's real or not'.

So, here we go again. Let's have fun, be real, be weird, because who cares? It's just a blog. 

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