Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baking galore!

I am uploading pictures from my phone now and update my blog on the computer. Why didn't I think of this before? This way is much easier!!

Anyways, I have been going back to baking lately. Here is some stuff that I made recently. Okay it's only 2 things, but what the heck. : D

 Rising of bread, poof!

 Shaped and ready for poofing.

 I actually forgot about these poofing in my kitchen when I was busy with something. I remembered about them, and went back to the kitchen to see them already poofed up!
I made slits on them, put mayo & ketchup on and into the oven they went.

 Forgot to put egg wash before putting these into the oven. They were not shiny but still soft and alright. : )

A cake masterpiece! Smoothing the whipped cream is definitely a difficult task. Made this cake with L, and used a different recipe then what I usually use. I got to use her turn table which is very useful when putting whipped cream. I am thinking of buying one my self! This is made from a chiffon cake recipe.
Cute! The design is stolen from another baker online. Sorry, but it is too cute to not copy!
The cake is put into a box that I had saved from a croissant box from BJ's. I will save a box again whenever I buy those croissants. Two uses in one! So economical : )

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