Saturday, April 2, 2011

Late night days

My sleeping pattern has been screwed to the point I don't know how I can sleep and wake up at normal hours anymore.

So what is normal sleeping hours? My ideal would be waking up between 7-9 AM, then going to sleep around 12AM.

For the past week I have been up until morning (around 5 or 6 AM) and then waking up around 3PM. Seriously, not good.

So today, I decided to not sleep for over 24 hours so I can fall asleep at night and not morning.

It's almost 6AM here now.

I will give my self 1hr at most for nap during the day. I hope this will work.

Anyways, I tried to eat healthy for one day and then I went back to eating bad again.

I've cooked something with vegetable in it the other day.

Yesterday, I didn't eat any vegetables at all. I don't even remember what I ate.

Ah, maybe I should sleep. 

My brain probably needs some sleep because it can't remember things. 

No, I can't sleep.

 I must get back my normal sleeping pattern.


  1. I should go to sleep early too :)

  2. I havn't been sleep and wake up at normal hours a WHILE~~about 2 years~and getting worse...right now Im about up until morning around 4~5, wake up time depend on class time -_-b.....a 2~3hour nap after get back home.. BAD! must get back normal sleeping pattern too!!!
